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Spectra Geospatial Survey Office 64

  • Manangement de date inteligent
  • Procesare rapidă și puternică
  • Funcții de asigurare a calității
  • Controlul complet al proiectului
Variante Survey Office:
  • Viewer (fără licență): Import + vizualizare date de teren, vizualizare proiecte, + export către echipamente de teren Trimble + software, Editare date de teren: Export date de teren în diferite formate, executare funcții CAD de bază, rulare control de calitate a datelot+ lucru cu date de nivelment
  • Survey Intermediate edition: Efectuare post-procesare observații GNSS, calcul și compensare drumuire + rețea geodezică, transformări, imagini fundal, etichete și dimensiuni
  • Survey Advanced edition: Creare seturi de desene, procesare date cadastrale, funcții complete COGO + proiectare coridor
Module Survey Office (necesită existența unei licențe Survey Office):
  • Survey Office Aerial Photogrammetry
  • Survey Office GIS
  • Survey Office Scanning
  • Survey Office Tunneling
Consultați matricea variantelor și modulelor opționale pentru mai multe informații: SO v5.10 – Feature Matrix Cereți acum o ofertă personalizată! Cere Oferta


Survey Office software is ideal for processing and analyzing GPS and GNSS, and optical survey data recorded in the field, and exporting it to a design package. The software provides numerous innovative and unique features, and it is easy to learn and use. With Survey Office software on your PC you have the ability to work with RTK and Static/PPK data to generate reports as well as identify and correct field errors. Import data from existing surveys or directly from the Internet and export data as points, or in CAD or XML format. Rest assured that your data is secure and reliable with built-in quality assurance and quality control features. The intuitive, integrated Survey Office program saves time with its short learning curve and powerful features.

Survey data acquired in the field using a total station and contained in a data file can be imported into the software and integrated as necessary with other data collected as part of a survey project (for example, GNSS or level data).

The Survey Office software is powerful and configurable, yet easy-to-use. The user interface features options that are familiar to Microsoft Office users. Drag-and-drop compatible files from your computer directly into an open project and the Survey Office software analyzes the file to determine its type and how it needs to be processed. Visualization tools such as Plan views, 3D views, time-based data views and session editors help you “see” the data in the context of the entire project.

The Survey Office software provides surveyors and engineers with advanced technology, integrating common tasks into a single system. Process and review RTK, Static, FastStatic, and stop-and-go Kinematic data. Survey Office also performs data reduction, computation, QA/QC and network adjustment. Control data can be exported to the field software for use in the field.

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