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Spectra Geospatial Origin

Spectra Geospatial Origin este noul software modern de care au nevoie profesioniștii topografi pentru a gestiona o gamă completă de proiecte rapid și eficient. Intuitiv și fiabil, Origin oferă o gamă extinsă de funcții, inclusiv codificarea funcțiilor cu o singură atingere, ușor de utilizat, calcul COGO puternic, managerul de straturi de hărți și fluxuri de lucru centrate pe hărți pentru măsurare și trasare. Spectra Geospatial Origin acceptă sistemele de operare Windows și Android. Conectați Origin la receptoare GNSS sau instrumente robotice sau mecanice și maximizați avantajele oferite, într-un flux de lucru integrat. Bazați-vă pe el pentru a vă satisface nevoile de astăzi pentru a vă asigura afacerea în viitor cu tehnologie de vârf.



Spectra Geospatial Origin field software is the new, modern software professional surveyors need to handle a full range of projects quickly and efficiently. Intuitive and reliable, Origin offers an extensive range of features, including one-tap easy-to-use feature coding, powerful COGO computing, map layer manager, and map-centric workflows for measuring and stakeout. Spectra Geospatial Origin supports the Windows and Android operating systems. Connect Origin to GNSS receivers or robotic or mechanical instruments, or maximize the advantages of both GNSS and conventional in an integrated survey. Rely on it to meet your needs today and future-proof your business with the leading-edge design and technology you’ll want tomorrow.


  • Easy to use, modern field survey software
  • Supports Spectra Geospatial Android* and Windows devices
  • Full support for a wide range of instruments including mechanical and robotic instruments, as well as GNSS receivers
  • Fully featured stakeout including points, lines, arcs, and polylines
  • Advanced measurement tools like Measure codes for simple and fast topographic feature and attribute collection
  • Cloud connectivity for data transfer and communication between the field and the office
  • Integrated Surveying technology to enable optical and GNSS workflows in the same job, even supporting simultaneous connections to the total station and GNSS receiver
  • Modern map displays with support for DXF, LandXML, WMS, JPG, and many more map files
  • Intuitive COGO directly in the map utilizing data in the job or related map files


Spectra Geospatial Origin Roads adds powerful features to enhance your road stakeout. The Roads application simplifies road stakeout by providing a step-by-step process to take a road stakeout project from start to finish.

Enhanced Roading features:

  • Support for RXL, GENIO, LandXML and IFC file formats
  • Define your road through horizontal and vertical polylines, templates, and superelevation and widening records
  • Visualize your road and measurements in real time, all in 3D on your controller
  • Survey your road through staking a station on a string, measuring your position relative to a string or road, staking a side slope, and applying construction offsets
  • Conduct surface inspections through in scan to surface, to scan, or whole object IFC model
  • Redesign your road in real time
  • Report your surveyed road data on the controller and transfer via cloud services

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Easy to use, modern field survey software
Supports Spectra Geospatial Android* and Windows devices
Full support for a wide range of instruments including mechanical and robotic instruments, as well as GNSS receivers
Fully featured stakeout including points, lines, arcs, and polylines
Advanced measurement tools like Measure codes for simple and fast topographic feature and attribute collection
Cloud connectivity for data transfer and communication between the field and the office
Integrated Surveying technology to enable optical and GNSS workflows in the same job, even supporting simultaneous connections to the total station and GNSS receiver
Modern map displays with support for DXF, LandXML, WMS, JPG, and many more map files
Intuitive COGO directly in the map utilizing data in the job or related map files


Spectra Geospatial Origin LT is an entry-level field survey software with a modern look and capabilities. Supporting Spectra Geospatial Android* and Windows devices, Origin LT is created to make workflows with Mechanical Total Stations and SP60 GNSS easy and effective


Easy to use modern field software with all the basic features to get the job done
Supports Android and Windows operating systems
Support for mechanical instruments and GNSS receivers
Basic feature set for data collection including COGO, and stakeout
Topographic features such as feature and attribute collection
Cloud connectivity
Modern map display supports a range of map file types including DXF, LandXML, image files and more


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